2015 DEC of the Year Award
Congratulations to the Louisiana DEC for winning the 2015 DEC of the Year Award! The award was presented by the U.S. Department of Commerce at the 2015 National DEC Forum.
Congratulations to the Louisiana DEC for winning the 2015 DEC of the Year Award! The award was presented by the U.S. Department of Commerce at the 2015 National DEC Forum.
Roy Paulson, President of Paulson Manufacturing and Chair of the National DEC (California Inland Empire DEC member), and Philip Pittsford of NOW International and Secretary/Treasurer and Legislative Affairs Chair of
Source- thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-budget/230092-the-little-noticed-role-of-trade-in-small-business-success As a new Congress settles in, members of both parties have identified trade as a prime area for bipartisan cooperation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House Speaker
How Ex-Im Bank works was featured on the Manufacturing Council of the Inland Empire’s show, “Manufacturers Corner (the show was hosted by Roy Paulson, CEO of Paulson Manfacturing, Inc. and
By: Roy Paulson, Chair, National District Export Council Source: www.pe.com/articles/trade-764706-small-new.html The upcoming congressional debate over Trade Promotion Authority gives our elected officials in Washington the chance to create new opportunities
The National Association of District Export Councils (NADEC) works to support the regional District Export Councils throughout the United States.
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