Your Education & Outreach Committee
The mission of the Outreach and Education Committee is to communicate with local DECs regarding activities engaged in by the National DEC, to be a resource for sharing Best Practices among the DECs, to support the efforts of U.S. Export Assistance Centers, and to provide information to the public regarding trade and exporting. This mission is accomplished by regular communication between the National DEC, local DECs and USEAC offices.
National DEC Members Serving on the Education & Outreach Committee
Fred Latuperissa
pacific south representative
President, EXIM20/20 Group, LLC
Russ Monk
Pacific North representative
Co-Founder, High Impact Technology
Jim Anderson
Southwest representative
Owner, ETCetera International, Inc.
Mark Ballam
Managing Director, Wendy Gillespie Center for Advancing Global Business, San Diego State University
Tom Cook
Northeast representative
Managing Director, Blue Tiger International
W.E. Da'Cruz
Co-Founder, VGC Group and the Mushroom Angel Co
Robert Erwin
Southern Representative
James L. Haynes, III
Great Lakes representative
Director Business Development/Customs Broker Rohlig USA
Sheriah Johnson
At-large representative
Trade Compliance Manager, NCR
Eugene Laney
Mid-Atlantic Representative
President and CEO, American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI)