For the first time ever, the District Export Councils of the Southwest Region held a DEC Regional Forum on April 30 in San Antonio, Texas. The Forum was held just prior to the DISCOVER GLOBAL MARKETS conference being held the following two days. The DECs represented included the Arizona, Camino Real, Houston. Louisiana, North Texas, Rocky Mountain and West Texas DECs. Over 60 DEC members and U.S. Commercial Service personnel were in attendance. The day-long Forum focused on DEC Best Practices as panelists from various DECs shared the successes and challenges their DECs have enjoyed and faced. Following the Best Practices panels, the Southwest Region DECs hosted a reception that included attendees from the DISCOVER GLOBAL MARKETS San Antonio conference. This Regional DEC Forum will provide a template for future Regional DEC Forums in 2014 that will be held in conjunction with upcoming DISCOVER GLOBAL MARKETS events.