Indiana District Export Council
Since 1999, Nate LaMar has served as International Regional Sales Manager for Draper Inc., a closely-
held manufacturer of audiovisual products, window coverings, and athletic equipment currently in the
4 th and 5 th generations of ownership by the founding family. Nate also manages Government Relations
for Draper at the federal, state, and county levels, often working with the US Chamber of Commerce and
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), and has testified before Congress. Nate was elected to his
County Council (county legislature) for three terms, and served as its President (speaker) from 2009-
2019. He was an active-duty Army officer, now recruiting for West Point. He graduated with an MBA in
International Management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management (Glendale, AZ) in 1995,
with a German Linguist Certificate from the Defense Language Institute (Monterey, CA) in 1990, and
with a BS in Middle Eastern Studies from the United States Military Academy (West Point, NY) in 1989.